The RAM Team: Zink’s Local Support Powerhouse

At Zink, we believe in the power of local resources and the value they bring to our clients. Our RAM (Regional Account Manager) team, a group of dedicated professionals focused on healthcare and education, is a testament to this belief. They are not just representatives of the brands we carry, but a local support system that understands the intricate workings of the facilities they serve.

Unlike traditional sales teams, the RAM team’s focus is not on our dealer clients but directly on the end users. This approach gives them the time and focus to identify and experience the pain points of these operators firsthand.

With an extensive background in the healthcare and education sectors, they understand the day-to-day operations and challenges these facilities face. By working regularly with major hospitals, senior living, and education facilities, they gain an expertise. Each interaction enriches their reservoir of knowledge, often extending beyond the initial purpose of their visit. What starts as a simple demo can evolve into a comprehensive audit of a facility’s filtration system.

The true value of our RAM team, however, shines through after the sale. They serve as the local support system for the premier brands we represent for things such as continuing education training, product demos, equipment training, and menu changes.

The RAM team’s proactive approach to support is another aspect that sets them apart. They offer feedback and help identify potential problems before the facility even needs to call us for help. Informing a facility that their fryer would need replaced in the next three years allows them to plan and budget accordingly.

Our team conducts comprehensive audits allowing facilities to plan and budget preparing them for future needs by providing them with a timeline or life expectancy and a cost for their equipment. This proactive approach helps facilities start their capital budget process early, avoiding any unpleasant surprises down the line.

  • Dish Room audits
  • Kitchen equipment audits
  • Ventilation assessments
  • Filtration audits

Our RAM team is more than just a sales team; they are a local resource, a support system, and a partner in your success. They represent our premier brands, but more importantly, they represent Zink’s commitment to providing comprehensive, proactive, and personalized solutions for our clients.

Interested in a FREE audit for your Healthcare or Education facility?
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